Nastrovje Mom and Marlene ... in the navigation on the Moskva
culture en masse - in the Kremlin ... really fascinating Archtitektur: new Russian fairy-tale style
on the Red Square in Moscow, at the grave of Lenin - one of the most beautiful places of Moscow
order coffee in Russian, not at all, so easy!
Our overnight train to St. Petersburg - 1st class thanks to Mom and Marlene
Тебе привет от = Welcome! Here we are Ruskia - first impressions: people do not laugh, but very helpful are; Metro bays as beautiful as a castle room with golden chandeliers, no one speaks English, all signs in signs and characters, even the coffee order to make an adventure and each smokes and drinking, not cheap, the girls on the eye for every male sex, super figure + long hair + clothes they can find only on the Reperbahn, great building, architecture: newly Russich Märcchenstil, I like RUSKIA: -! )
A brief insight into unexpected life
Ankegommen in the hostel, after Andy and I dragged our very heavy packs (23kg) by the sultry underground shafts of Moscow, it was called first "sorry we are overbooked! What now? As you know we still have mom + her best friend Marlene in tow. Our 4 posted beds only exists on my booking confirmation paper means nothing here in Ruskia, so get that much I fast. Man, what Alina (my "Russian" colleague), I still come before the trip: "I have always cigarettes in his pocket Veri, corruption is all in Ruskia. No cigarettes on hand ... Plan B must be found. And saw this: The four of us in the 2 bed rooms on three beds pushed together ... well, any threshold exceeded ... to travel well the joy RUSKIA so great that even this was truly paradoxical situation has ended and especially super funny cheap, 11 € the night that makes us so fast no one to go :-)
The journey: overnight train to St. Petersburg ... I'll get back FROM THE WORLD ...
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