I'm sitting outside on a wall in front of the house where I sleep. It's 7:25 clock - with you still 6:25 clock. I will try to be finished with this blog entry before the children are awake.
Our housekeeper and our social worker, are already awake. You are currently in the "kitchen" (a small hut, built with corrugated iron to half and half with tarpaulin) for Chai to prepare the children for breakfast on a wood fire.
Next to the kitchen is another hut of corrugated iron, stored in wooden stocks in particular, on the other hand, the 2 cows locked up with her two calves on a small piece of land. If the children are awake, the cows are free of them left here and walk freely around the grounds. In front of the guest house where I sleep, is the pitch of the children with two simple goals in wood and without a net. A little further behind it stands the outhouse.
So now I am reversed. In an extension of the guest house I can see the house of the housekeeper, in which Julius lives when he visited the project. Julius is currently my contacts and leads me to the project. After this house are two shower houses for the children and finally the main house, in which the Office, a maid's room, a boy's room and a room for the children.
are precisely the two eldest of the children walked past me to help in the kitchen. Especially the older ones are very independent when it comes to the work here is on the site. I'm curious how the next week looks like, when all the children go back to school. Currently they have holidays.
Now I had to go into the office. My laptop took power and it is only there and only on the day when the solar system is running. However, there are now also in the guesthouse two lamps. I do not know exactly where the electricity comes from this, but I'll figure it out;)
If I here Office from which see, I see even a roof, which I've told yet: It is the umbrella for the largest tank is collected here on the site in the rain water. He is buried in the soil and currently quite empty ... We are waiting for the rainy season. In addition to this a huge tank under the ground there still behind each house small tanks in which rainwater is collected on the gutters and then when these tanks are full, the water runs underground in the large tank. About the rain water runs almost the entire water supply. It is for showering, washing clothes, cooking and - mixed with chlorine - used as drinking water for the children. I buy still water in the city to get used too slowly to new food situation.
Well away from the Zebra Children's Village in the cities. So far I have seen Kisherian, Ngong, Nairobi. I arrived in Nairobi on Sunday. Unbelievable how many people live there. Everywhere there are small shacks and stalls, where everything possible is offered. Especially bananas, Coca Cola and credit cards for cell phones are everywhere. There are supermarkets, banks, cinemas and all the other shops that I know from Germany. Only one thing for me was really different: in small farms or on small pieces of grass in the middle of the city are many people and sleep there - if you're tired, you shall be easy to go there.
From Nairobi we went on to Ngong. A somewhat small city that is home to Julius with his family and some volunteers from Via eV. Two nights I stayed there and was able to learn at dinner in the family of Julius a little bit about the life of the family. It was the food very versatile (especially on vegetables that have been used) and I could not believe it ran it, morning and evening meal at the TV.
Then finally it went further than the Zebra Kisherian Children's Village. From Kisherian and the way the Matatus there, I'll write later more accurate. It is the city where I will shop here regularly.
Finally, "Some things about Charlie." Charly is my roommate in the guest house ... a bat, I have not seen, unfortunately, picks me up at night, but currently is doing with her high notes from sleep. Charly lives somewhere on the top floor in the guest house and has then all rooms (two rooms with beds, a kitchen with dining and living area and space for washing) in mind.
The children will come right back from the kitchen, where they just drink their chai. They were, as I have written, all here in Office and have me "good morning" and said questions. I will first brush with all the teeth and then I want them to clean up their rooms and collect the waste site ... tasks that have been neglected lately. In the afternoon we will then see a movie together:)
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